Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I have spent the last couple of weeks going 'non-stop' through life!  It has been all wonderful things -- holiday parties, sporting events, work projects, work field trips, lunches with friends, dinner with family -- but yesterday afternoon I hit a wall.  I was done.  Burnt out.  Spent.  And frankly, grumpy.  I hadn't given myself any ME time in over a week.

I had to take matters into my own hands so I turned down all plans for the night (not that I am that popular), but sometimes it takes a conscious effort to shift the gears down a notch.  I went to hot yoga, grilled some fish for dinner, and then watched the always entertaining world of Kardashian Khaos.  It was bliss.  I was straightening my room and grabbing a fashion magazine to inspire me with some new Spring Styles by 10 PM.

It is so incredibly easy for us to fill our schedules with the items that make up our to-do list.  As women, we have an ever evolving list that never seems to be completely void of needing attention.  When you buy that new dress and want to put it in your closet but can't quite find the place, you make room.  Well, the time has come for you to make room for ME time in your life.

Today's Challenge -- make room for a break!


Today is the day where I say take a break from squeezing in the exercise.  It is one more item that we have on our 'To Do' list and can consume anywhere from 30-90 minutes of our precious free time.  Maybe use that time to just sit.  Read a book or watch a show.  Physically give your body a break!  

It requires a great deal of patience and commitment to find stillness.  Sometimes, when we let our minds go from the planning, that is when life unfolds in ways that we never imagined possible.  Take some time to do some breathing exercises and in those moments do your best to clear your mind.  Shut off the brain and the to-do list and instead, just breathe.

I am about to make a huge request -- create personal time in your life.  I know, you might be rolling your eyes right now.  I promise, it is possible.  It can be as little as thirty minutes or as much as an entire evening -- but define what that personal time is to feed your soul and then make room for it.  Is it date night with your husband?  Time alone in your room to read a book (or fashion mag!)?  Is it taking the dog for a nice long walk with headphones in to block out the world's noise?  In the words of Nike...just do it.

Today's Tips and Reminders:  A back bend a day keeps the doctor away

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