Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So here we are approaching the end of another year and the buzz has begun about New Year's Resolutions.  Many disdain the idea of indulging in such a cliché, but I say why degrade the one time of year that encourages us to take a step back and set goals, evaluate our priorities, and be more intentional. 

I have been spending a great deal of time these last few months reading books about manifestation and the power of thought -- and the incredible impact that a state-of-mind can have on the path we travel in life.  It's been very informative and amusing to read about the success stories and the 'suggestions' on how to maintain a greater sense of self awareness, but realistically, I have stood on the sidelines this entire time simply reading and absorbing it all.  Well, the time has come dear friends, for me to step off the sidelines and get in the game!  And if you are up for it, then come with me!

I present to you "The Challenge":  Intentionally spend the next 30 days working on your physical, spiritual, and personal health and well being.  For all of you fearful of major commitments in life because you are so busy, I repeat, 30 DAYS.  We can do this -- and I am going to further step it up and commit to  posting daily words to encourage, recipes for better well being, and personal propositions that come from others who are much more qualified than me to be a personal coach.  If you are ready for the challenge then read on because today is DAY 1!


Take 30  minutes today for your own personal time to be in tune with your body.  Keep it basic.  We are looking to hit a home run our first time up to bat.  Suggested activities:  walking, running, or stretching (I am a huge Yogi and yes this counts as exercise).

Give yourself a moment to read and meditate.  Don't be afraid to set an intention for how you want to let this quote impact your thoughts and actions TODAY.

"Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices."
 - Caroline Myss
Set aside 10 minutes before going to bed and write down in a journal some of your favorite memories from the past year.  Life presents good with the bad and it is up to us to determine on which side of the fence we will focus our thoughts and energy.

Today's Tips and Reminders:  Drink lots of water and give up any and all electronics at least 30 minutes before going to bed tonight.

Image Courtesy of Luuux.com

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