Monday, November 21, 2011


Manifestation:  The materialized form of a spirit.

This past weekend I enjoyed the company of good friends on Friday and Saturday with wine nights and birthday dinners -- but then found myself in a very quiet place and alone on a rainy Sunday afternoon.  As I have alluded to in the past, I am a bit of a 'Type A' personality and I enjoy keeping busy and feeling productive.  So here I was with the only productive activity on my list for the day being "Do Laundry" and I had successfully checked it off my list by lunch.  In my moments alone, that many of you pine for and consider a peaceful space, I was suddenly able to set aside all of the joy of the last few days and settle in on the loneliness that come with the fact that I was watching the light hearted comedy 'New Girl' alone in my apartment while laughing out loud and hearing my own voice echo down the hallway.  I was pretty up-to-date on the season so two episodes later I was at a dry river when it came to 'things to do'.

The pity party was soon to follow and my imagination was running amuck:  "I wish I had a boy here to cuddle on the couch with while enjoying a fire and a movie.  I wish I had a small dog to curl up on my lap and at least pretend we were conversing.  Maybe I should visit home so that I could at least have my parents around to laugh at my jokes -- oh wait, they are out of town too!  Why, oh why, do I not have a text message to return, a man to dote on me, or a posse of people to keep me company on this rainy day!?"  Oh yes, poor lonely me. 

In case you missed the tone of my last line, I will emphasize the sarcasm in describing my next move:  telling myself to snap out of it!!  I have a great life and this wide open day with rain as a relaxing backdrop is something for me to make the most of -- so I hopped in my car and drove to the LACMA (Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art).  I bought my $10 ticket and wandered the exhibits and the hallways all by myself for over two hours.  It was the best Sunday afternoon I can remember on record. 

As I wandered the halls, staring at the exhibits and telling myself what a gift a day like this truly is, I nearly laughed out loud at the memory of a heavy heart drowning in a pool of pity just hours earlier!  I was in a great mood and spirits were high, yet I had done nothing much beyond change my own internal frame of mind.

When times are good it is so easy to focus on everything we have, and if we are mindful enough, to express gratitude the generous people around us or the Higher Being for the blessings in our life.  But what about when things are so perfect and plentiful?  The times when our minds can run a long list of everything we DON'T have in our live?  That is when we are in charge of our own destiny and we can choose to focus on what we HAVE or HAVE NOT.  It's the basic idea of Manifest Destiny.  Yesterday I was on the edge of the cliff towards full free fall into the pool of pity and instead chose to focus my mind on all of the blessings and goodness that I can -- and will -- seek out in life.  How will you CHOOSE to MAKE tomorrow a great day? 

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