Thursday, September 13, 2012


Where Thoughts Go...Energy Flows

The Challenge started at the end of 2011 and I made it about 60% of the way before deciding to focus on other topics of discussion.  I would now like to take the opportunity to revisit The Challenge and finish the 30 days in which we create a moment to look inward and improve our Physical, Spiritual, and Personal 'Self'. 

I started the week excited to prepare for the final 10 episodes of The Challenge and then, essentially, 'Life Happened'.  I phrase it this way because I have come to realize that the cerebral place of positive energy is a world that I choose to visit with my mind's eye and it is not always the most accurate picture of the reality that exists around me.  In the past, I have written about the downside to such a habit and I must now be aware of the cautionary tales that can result from such behavior. 

However, as the reality of life unfolded right before my eyes this week I found myself flustered with a friendship wrought with tension, stressed about various work projects that all had overlapping deadlines, and discouraged by the unexpected financial burden of a repair cost on my less than budget-friendly German-made automobile (at least two pairs of Louboutins worth of repairs).  I woke up on Monday morning with energy and spunk, but returned to my bed by Tuesday night with a heavy heart and slightly red eyes affected by the lack of sleep and increase of stress in my life.  I have no doubt that, on some level, you can relate to the feeling of a fresh start being clouded by the needs of the world pounding at your door.

By Wednesday, I was what you might call a 'Head Case'.  Luckily, the car trouble had required me to visit LA bright and early to retrieve my vehicle and I then had to drive from West LA to San Clemente for a meeting.  For those not familiar with SoCal geography, at the time of day that I was traveling this was easily a 2 hour drive.  Those two hours became an unexpected time of self reflection and rebuilding.  I realized that while my life was busy and demanding, it was certainly still filled with blessings and opportunity.  I also realized that much of my downfall on Tuesday was a function of my mind circling the tragic to-do list that was weighing me down.  I had become engulfed in it all and the road trip was pulling me off of this slippery slope.  It was, literally, a moment to get a grip! 

This unexpected opportunity of dedicated personal time allowed me to clear my mind of all the circular, and frantic, thoughts so that by the time I returned to the office I was in a much better place.  The experience reminded me of one of my favorite sayings that I find to be incredibly true:  'Where thoughts go, energy flows'. 

Don't underestimate the power of your mind.  If you resign to negative thinking and circling your mind around the stress of life then it will carry into every detail of your day.  In contrast, if you do your best to maintain a positive and productive frame of mind then you will be better equipped to take the bad in stride with the good. You will probably find life to be significantly more manageable. 


When was the last time you made time for physical activity that also overlapped as alone time?  Go for a walk/jog/swim today and be alone with your thoughts.  The physical activity will get the blood flowing and the fresh oxygen will improve your mental well being.  We all love to socialize and make working out fun, but go it alone this time.  You won't regret it!

The power of positive thinking has numerous writers, speakers, and bloggers (!) talking.  Personally, I find that the most influential noise on my train of thought can be music.  If you want to really condense this challenge then you can work on the physical and personal well being at the same time by selecting a soundtrack that will bring a smile to your face and peace to your eyes.  The mind will quickly follow suit.

Nothing encourages positivity quite like gratitude.  Whether you prefer to journal, pray, or simply take a moment to 'think', spend just 5 minutes today reflecting and meditating on all that you have to be grateful for in your life.  Don't be afraid to get detailed and personal.  For example, instead of being grateful for a loving family be grateful for the smile on that special person that greets you when you walk in the door (four legged friends count!) or the phone call that you can count on every week from that caring family member.

Tips and Reminders:  Hot tea soothes the body from the inside out.  Chamomile, Peppermint, or Lavender are all personal favorites.

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