So here is The Challenge
that I want to pose to you today... Are you living in the moment and embracing
all that it has to offer? We can so easily worry about our future and if
the path we are currently traveling will take us exactly towards the hopes and
dreams that we envisioned as a young children for our adult lives. I too
struggle with this, but have made some serious strides in the last year -- with
many thanks to a Life Coach that is the one investment I consider to be the
gift that keeps on giving -- but I digress.
The point is that I am learning to understand that there is only so much
that we can control in life and the rest is an adventure meant to be embraced.
And when the road presents
the inevitable 'pot holes' or unexpected turns, think of this iPhone app's
advice to Lucy when she questions standing by some of the harder decisions,
"Keep Calm and Carry On".
Learn from our past, live in the moment, and look towards the future with excitement. Do it. I dare you.
PhysicalSpring is here and, for the most part, the weather should be improving no matter what part of the country you live. Are you outside taking in the sun, vitamin D, and the fresh air? If not, get outside at least once a week for a walk/run/hike. It will fill you with some fresh energy and oxygen!
PersonalI know I keep coming back to this, but it truly is so important, set aside some time for yourself this week -- maybe even just 20 minutes -- and focus your mind on the life you are living. There are ups and down associated with life on a regular basis, but it's what we make of it that will ultimately determine our personal well being.
SpiritualIt is a challenging balance to strike -- making decisions regarding things that are within our control and managing the other aspects of life that are beyond our control. I believe in a higher power and that a greater good is looking out for me -- in good times and in bad. Having faith means having trust. If you have faith then make sure you take time this week to acknowledge the trust in the greater being that comes with it. The two must exist, hand-in-hand, within our hearts.